Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sick of moving....literally!

Lamar's dad and Sandra came to help us move in.....and we were so blessed that they did. They work quickly and efficiently, which is exactly what we needed. When moving day came I was feeling a little under the weather. By Saturday afternoon, I was coughing, sneezing, feverish, achy, and in tears because I felt so bad. Sunday morning Sandra and Bill took Tyler to church with them so that I could sleep in and get some rest. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I got up and got Tyler dressed and ready so he would look handsome.....and boy did he!

Then I went back to bed and slept until noon! It was awesome.
It's a good a thing I got some rest because Sunday night, Tyler got sick too.

He was up all night coughing his little head off. I sat up with him until about 2am rocking him in my arms....i love cuddle time.....and then I finally got him to go to sleep. Sandra sat up with me and helped calm my nerves when I was freaking out because Tyler wasn't breathing right. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I took him to the doctor and found out it was the kroop and an upper respiratory infection. He gave us some medicine and now two weeks later, Tyler is finally better. Whew!
Now I am not certain, but I think we were all SICK of moving!
And in case we didn't say it enough....THANK YOU Bill and Sandra for all your help! Hope you didn't catch anything from us.

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