Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Time!

I love Easter. I love what it respresents. I love that it brings family together, and I love the fun traditions that come along with it. This year was Tyler's first real Easter. We celebrated last year in Arlington, IN THE SNOW, but Tyler was so young and slept through most of it. Here is a little reminder.

But this year, Tyler had a blast! It all started when Aunt Mande totally SURPRISED me and came to Austin for a visit. She had told me she wasn't coming to hang out and I was completely bummed, but when Lamar and I returned from rehearsal Thursday night, there she was sitting on my couch. YIPEE!!!! I loved my fabulous surprise! Thank you Mande, and Lamar who was totally in on it, for my special Easter visit.
Anyways.....Mande came to visit and brought us all a fun Easter basket. Tyler loved the Easter grass more than anything. He later loved playing with the eggs as well, but the grass was a major hit! (Excuse the drool-I think my baby is teething again.)

On Saturday we went to the Riverbend Egg-stravaganza for Tyler's first Easter egg hunt. I wasn't really sure if he would even understand what to do, but boy was I wrong. My boy is so smart. Not only did he grab a couple of eggs and put them in his basket.....

but he went grocery shopping for me too! Along with the eggs were tons of bags of gold fish crackers....Tyler's all time favorite snack. Once he realized what they were, that's all he would grab. So he ended up with four Easter eggs and twelve bags of goldfish crackers in his basket. Good job T-Bone! You saved mommy a trip to the store.

Family photo time.

Tyler with the big stuffed Easter tears....YAY!

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