Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


(I got some pictures with my phone the other day and thought I might share.)
Bucket is one of Tyler's new favorite words. He got to use the bucket at my dad's house to help feed the cows and horses, and I guess he really loved that bucket. Because now that he is home, he wants to play with the big white bucket on our porch. Even the other day when I took Tyler to the pool, he insisted on taking the big bucket, plus his two little buckets.
Once we were at the pool, Tyler made friends with two guys there. They helped him fill his big bucket with water and then this is what he did with his new toy bucket......

If you look in the background, you can see one of Tyler's new friends.

Is he too cute or what!

So during his time in the bucket, Tyler would stand up and then sit down as fast as he could so all the water would splash out over the sides. Then he would laugh and laugh and wait for me to refill the bucket with water. Then, the process would start over again!
After about 15 or 20 minutes of Tyler still being in the bucket, I tried to explain to him that the pool was like one large bucket that he would have alot more room to play in. Well you try reasoning with an 18 month year didn't go over very well!

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