Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A day at the beach!

We spent the rest of our afternoon at Carmel Beach. It was just as gorgeous as we had heard it was! Since Tyler has a love for sand and dirt, he was in HEAVEN! This was his first time at a beach so he was so curious and tried to take everything in. You could just see his little brain turning, wondering what everything was. Since the water was FREEZING cold, Tyler did NOT go in. He felt it on his feet, cried, and let us know that was enough of that! Lamar and Nick on the other hand, decided to brave the cold and dive dumb! Then Lamar got the brilliant idea that I should get to experience the chilly water as well. Then Lindsey's camera battery died. (Which is probably a good there is no proof of the childlike behavior that I showed as I was being thrown into the icy pits of hell.)

This is when Tyler found out that you are not supposed to EAT the sand!

Lamar and Nick taking the plunge.

Realizing how cold and stupid that was.

Tyler loving the sand!

The beginning of the a really bad idea......

Me and my sweet hubby! This is probably one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip because it reminds me of how we met, our wedding, our honeymoon, and our last trip before our precious son was born. I love the beach!


Kristin said...

These pictures are so awesome, and your trip looks like it was so much fun! We are coming next time!

Krystal said...

a few things...
1. are you sure that you had a baby because you look AWESOME!
2. these pictures look totally professional!
3. love you guys...Tyler gets more handsome by the minute!!!