Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Am I too late?

So I am finally putting up a Christmas post....I told you I would! Better late than never.

Christmas Eve service....the fun begins! Tyler does not love sitting through a church service, especially when he has a fever, but he made it through with the help of our trusty friends.....candy cane and marshmallows!

Famous daddy!

I have to tell you that every time Lamar sang a son, Tyler would stand up, start clapping and say, "Yay daddy".
Also, when Dave Sunde started praying, Tyler continued to say, "Amen, Amen, Amen", over and over again until everybody decided to join him. He was so proud of himself.
More Christmas Eve photos.
Tyler was sooooo tired and NOT feeling well, that he laid on the stage after the service.  He even got the Haney girls to lay with him.  He is such a chick magnet.

Smiles all around.

We went to hang out at the Schoenfelds after church with the Haney's, and Nate and Hedda.  I tried to get Lamar to take a nice, sweet photo with me, but you can see how that turned out!!!

Tyler got plenty of attention! I guess when you are sick, and cute as a button, people just can't help it.
Tyler fell in love with the "Santa Baby Bear".  It sang and swung it's hips back and forth, and Tyler quickly learned how to imitate it.  
Tyler lasted as long as he could, but we quickly headed home for some Children's Tylenol and sleepy time.  

And then this is how Christmas began:

Tyler woke up at 4am, not because he was excited, but because he had a fever of 104.

We laid on the couch, started watching a movie, fell back asleep, woke up and opened presents, ate breakfast and started another movie....all before 6:30 am. Impressive I know!
Despite Tyler's yucky health, he still enjoyed all of the goodies Santa left him.  

I need to also add that Lamar did very well this year in the present department!  We don't usually do very much for each other for Christmas, as far as presents go, but this year he outdid himself.  Not only did he get me a Victoria's Secret gift card (oooh la la), not only did he get me a Simon mall gift card to buy clothes (heck ya), not only did he get someone to clean my house twice a week until school is out (which I am enjoying right this very moment!!! thank you Marina), but he made me the sweetest photo book in the entire universe!  It is told by "Tyler" and it's called, "Meet my mommy, the most beautiful girl in the world." Seriously?  Does he like seeing me cry on Christmas morning?  Needless to say, it was AMAZING. You really need to come over and see it sometime to get the full awesomeness of this photo book.  Really!

The one, and ONLY, good thing about Tyler being sick, is the great cuddle time we get to have. Lamar and I both took full advantage of our soon to be 2 year old, still wanting to spend every moment in our arms!

He is cute when he's sick!!!

More to come......for's sleepy time for mama!

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