Anyways...Lamar was getting his hair cut, so Tyler rocked in the rocking chair and played checkers with his Uncle Ty while we waited.
When Lamar finally got there, we ate more than our fill of food, said our sad goodbyes to Mande and Ty, and headed home for nap time. It was sooo good to spend a little time with them. Tyler loves his Aunt and Uncle!
Oh - and Lamar's hair looks great.
Friday evening, the whole Stockton crew got ready to go have dinner at Prespa's. Tyler tried to wear his Uncle Topher's shoes....but as you can see....they were a little too big!
Once we got to Prespa's, we realized very quickly that they had no working air conditioner. No bueno! But, we made the best of our time and the kids behaved very well, considering we were all sweating like little piggies.
Tyler and Drew found ways to entertain themselves.
My sweet little family, sweating it out at Prespa's.
Topher, Leya and Drew, sweating it out at Prespa's.
Okay, so this isn't really about Tyler, but I can talk about me for a minute....can't I?
Immediately after dinner, the boys took the babies home for bedtime and Leya and I left for our friend LynnAnn's lengerie and dessert shower.
Me and sweet Lynnie, the beautiful bride-to-be.
We had chocalte fountain with all kinds of goodies to dip into it, brownies with peanut butter cups baked inside, chocoate chip pie, red velvet cake and cappucino ice cream punch. Can you say "fatty fatty two by four"? I think I might have eaten myself into a coma.
Suzy, Leya, me and LynnAnn
Some of the girls at the party.
I love sitting at talking with my friend Kristin. We talk about our kiddos, her twins to come, and all sorts of random things that make us laugh hysterically.
Just us girls....hanging out way past our bedtime!
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