Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fun in the December!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cold weather......but.... I live in Texas! So....we have been trying to make the most of this crazy December Texas weather. Last week we took Tyler to play at the park with our friends Nick and Lindsey. Tyler has so much fun at the park, even though he can't walk around, because he loves playing (eating) all the rocks,

he really enjoys playing in the rocking car,

He loved it so much he rocked himself too hard and fell down inside the car. Don't worry, Lindsey was there to save him. Just a tiny scrape so we just told him, "Be a man, rub some dirt in it!" (Our favorite movie quote)

I quite enjoyed myself as well!

he has a blast in the swing

and he loves to crawl through the tunnels with mommy.

While we were at the park, this little girl came strutting into the rock area in ALL her DIVA glory! She was FAAABULOUS! I asked her mom if I could take her picture and she said it was fine. So here she is....Miss Diva Fabulous herself!

Disclaimer - The boys aren't in the pictures because they were too busy throwing the frisbee and playing basketball! Too bad for them!

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