Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Milestones Galore

Tyler amazes me with how much he is learning every day. Here is a short list of SOME of the new milestones he has reached...
1. Tyler can feed himself absolutely everything now, and uses a spoon or fork to do so. It's not the cleanest milestone, but it's a great one.
2. He not only walks, but he runs everywhere now. I can hardly keep up!
3. He can "sing" a song to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
4. He can count to three by saying, "uh, tu, weeeeeeeee".
5. He has some new words that he says regularly: car, dog, mama, daddy, duck, and shoes.
6. When I ask him to, Tyler can point to my nose, eyes, mouth and ears.
7. Tyler will lift our shirts, pinch our belly and say, "Kitta Kitta Kitta". (his version of tickle, tickle, tickle).
8. He loves to give high fives.
9. Tyler not only loves to be read to, but he now climbs into his rocking chair and "reads" to us.

10. He can climb up just about anything!

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