Family Picture

Family Picture
Jill, Tyler, Lamar and Tori

Thursday, August 9, 2007

All you moms out there...HELP!

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but Tyler doesn't nap! I'm not kidding. I can't get him to nap. I can lay him down asleep and he will wake up in 5 mintues ready to play. I have tried everything. I try putting him down drowsy but not asleep; I try putting him down completely asleep; I try rocking and singing him to sleep; I try feeding him to sleep; I try doing it at the same time everyday; I try waiting until he is totally exhausted; I even try letting him sleep in his swing.....but nothing. He just cries. Not for a few minutes, but until I go in there to get him. I have let him cry up to 45 mintues and still...NADA! Now granted, he still sleeps his 10-12 hours a night. He is still getting his rest and he is a happy, healthy baby boy , but no napping. So, I am seeking help from all moms out there. How do you get your child to nap? What are your tricks? Do some babies just not nap at 6 months of age? Or am I just a bad mom? HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!


Janelle and Ella said...

First, you are absolutely NOT a bad mom. Babies are so unpredictable.
I don't have any advice, but I do know that even though he is sleeping a long time at night, he still should be able to take at least one nap during the day. You sound like you are doing everything right though. Have you tried asking your doctor? I'm sorry. I'm sure this is a little frustrating.

Jace said...

Jace's doctor told us to try the Ferber(sp?) method. You put him down when he is sleepy, but not yet asleep. You go in 5 minutes later if he is still crying and put his passy back in and tell him it's okay, (just don't pick him up). Then you go in 10 minutes and do the same thing. Then 15, 20...the time extends by 5 minutes each time. If he is supposed to sleep 1 hour, or whatever he usually naps for, and the hour is over, go and pick him up and nap time is over. Once he begins to act sleepy again, you do it all over again(5 min...10min and so on). I am not going to lie, it's REALLY hard to listen to him cry, but after a week, it worked. Honestly, I didn't think I could take it, but Jeremy made me continue, promising me that it would work. He was right. The first couple of days, Jace would cry through the whole nap time, and would act like he was mad for about an hour after that. After a couple of days, he just realized that it was nap time and that I was not going to come and pick him up. Hope you find something that works!

By the way...we still miss you!

Mandy and Jace