I had to borrow a friends camera for Tyler's first trip to the zoo, since mine was broken, and I just got the pictures uploaded from that trip. But Lamar and I took Tyler to the Zoo again last weekend and were able to use our own, now fixed, camera. So I am just going to post all of the pictures at once.....because I'm just that lazy!
Tyler's First Trip to the Zoo! (Just the two of us.)
These beautiful peacocks just walked around the zoo in the open. It was pretty cool, except for one thing.....Have you ever HEARD a peacock? It sounds like a crazy kid screaming. For Real.

Tyler was NOT diggin' the stroller! But don't worry, it didn't last long. About 2 minutes after we got there, Tyler was out and running around, checking everything out on his own. The stroller did a fabulous job of carrying all our STUFF though.

Tyler was amazed that the big tiger was playing with a ball. He kept pointing at the tiger and saying, "ball, ball". I don't know if he actually even noticed the tiger.....because he was too busy wanting that ball.

The "oink-oinks" were one of Tyler's favorite things. He just laughed and pointed at them.

This parrot kept freaking me out. It totally copied everything it heard; laughing, children's cries, words, and other animal noises. I could not figure out who kept laughing and whistling at me......until I saw this guy.

Tyler really liked watching the bears. (I think maybe he liked that they were so close up.) They just sat right up next to the fence and stared at us for a really long time. Tyler was so cute just standing on the railing watching that bear. I wish I knew what was going through his mind.

The petting area was not exactly what I was expecting it to be. Basically, there were some really HUGE goats and Llamas that you could gather in a tiny pin, and pet, while you stood in that tiny pin with that HUGE animal. Tyler was not a fan! So we just stuck to feeding and petting the little goats through the fence.

I packed us a picnic lunch to enjoy while we were at the zoo. Tyler really enjoyed eating outside and watching the chickens and peacocks run around our feet. I on the other hand, did NOT love these birds running around my feet. But whatever!

Time to ride the Choo-Choo.

Tyler thinks anything that has wheels is a car. When he saw some kids in this wagon waiting for the train, he insisted that he get to ride in it too. Luckily, this mom was very nice and let him hop inside for a quick ride. So here is Tyler, riding around in someone else's "car", with his new "friends". I guess this would be the time when I teach him, "Stranger Danger!"

Just me and my little boy! I just can't get enough of him.

When Tyler and I walked out of the zoo and arrived at our car, this is what we found. Nope...no one broke into our car! Apparently, I am just so scatter brained that I never even closed the door in the first place. Luckily, nothing was taken and no animals found a home in our car. WHOOPS!

After nap time, my little cowboy found his hat, his blankie and his favorite movie. What more could a little boy ask for?

Second Trip to the Zoo. (The WHOLE Family!)

Lamar and I were in awe of these massive tortoises. Tyler really didn't know what they were, but I think he liked that they were about his size.

The King of the Jungle.....or as Tyler calls them in a cute little whisper voice.....the "raaars".

Tyler loved sitting on the fence with daddy and watching the birds. He calls the birds the "caw caws".

The reptile house was MUCH smaller than I was hoping for, and hotter and stinkier than I was comfortable with. So I took one picture of Tyler inside, and left him and Lamar in there to check it out on their own!

Family photo time.

And what's an Austin Zoo without one of these?